Wednesday February 12th 2014, 11:18 pm
Filed under: My Garden
Filed under: My Garden
Today marked the first flower on the last peach tree (okay, more a bud that will be open tomorrow) and the first flower on the plum tree. That makes four fruit trees in bloom, the cherry and apples still to go, and two of the three blueberry bushes covered in buds. Seven of these were planted last year.
I don’t know why I didn’t do more of this ages ago. Planting something that will create great food simply because that is what it lives to do and watching it grow is just the coolest thing.
I still need a Comice pear in there.
2 Comments so far
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Oh, first flowers are so sweet. You are going to have a beautiful garden.
Comment by DebbieR 02.13.14 @ 12:08 pmLeave a comment
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