The plum tree mid-bloom. Such a flimsy looking little thing and yet it will soon offer so much fruit. I got a note from a friend that she was saving plastic produce clamshells for me: ready to thwart the raccoons and squirrels again?
Oh yes please thank you!
And to help keep the smaller critters at bay… Yesterday Coopernicus perched on the fence, watched me for several minutes, then spread his wings wide and swooped right on over right next to the window.
Got any snacks under that picnic table?
Afraid not. They all fled awhile ago, hon.
Today I saw him on the wooden box–how did he get there without my seeing him coming!? Oh wait. That’s a hawk’s specialty. Then he fluttered on over to the back of the chair there, looked at me and said something tongue in beak: I can only guess it was along the lines of look, lady, some of my best hunting is in that alcove and if you don’t fill the little feeder there as well as the big one I’m going to have a harder time keeping my lady fed in style. Can you help me out here?
Sure, right on it.
And on a side note: my father the art dealer has a really cool column up that I thought I’d mention. Cecil B. DeMille, when remaking his Ten Commandments movie in color, commissioned a painter to envision fourteen scenes for him to work from, and all these years later Dad immediately recognized and confirmed for the owners who that painter was, the scenes having been left unsigned. The same who painted George Washington in the famous “Prayer at Valley Forge.”
Here, I’ll let Dad tell it.
4 Comments so far
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I love hearing about your birds…we have few trees at our house, and mostly we just get the common sparrows, blue jays and mourning doves. But every once in awhile, everything in the neighborhood will be all a-twitter, and then we’ll see a larger bird of prey (there are a couple of hawks) being escorted out of town by the smaller birds…it’s an amazing thing to see! And your side note (or your Dad’s side note) is very cool!
Comment by Pam 02.26.14 @ 8:12 amI’d almost think the hawk has you trained. And thanks for sharing the piece by your father. Very interesting.
Comment by DebbieR 02.26.14 @ 9:37 pmYou remind me that I MUST make it through the several feet of snow in the backyard to fill the feeders. I still find it hard to believe that you have blooming plums while we have soil frozen 4 feet deep!
And congratulations to your dad for the public reveal of those Friberg’s!
Comment by twinsetellen 03.01.14 @ 9:43 amReading through your lovely blog, I was fascinated to see that your Dad was associated with science fiction writer Orson Scott Card. So many intriguing “rabbit holes” to explore from the topics you write about!
Comment by Carol M. Wilson 02.18.23 @ 2:49 pmLeave a comment
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