Filed under: Knit
A lot of people would love this. Really love this. Somebody will.
They might not have Swedish ancestry.
You know how some yarns, when you go to block them, as soon as they hit that water the deeper color is just oh so perfect but you know the thing can’t stay wet all its life?
The lime buffalo blend from the Halloween factory-reject sale is finally a cowl. Knitted. Done. Out of my stash. I wondered if there weren’t a bit of mill oil (which feels like dried hair mousse) to it, left unwashed in the bin as an off skein–it felt like it as it ran through the needles, to my surprise. So I treated it like that when I got done: hot soapy water and lots of rinses.
The water went a pretty bright green at the initial bath and then stayed clear, thank goodness, I don’t have to worry that it might crock green onto some future recipient’s favorite white cashmere sweater in the rain or some such disaster.
But the soggy cowl looked like an avocado that had been cut up yesterday. Somebody’s favorite color, was my mantra as I slogged through the knitting over the weekend, somebody’s favorite color. Doesn’t have to be mine. Buffalo is warm and it’s supposed to bloom and be soft and it will be once I wash it. (I’ve been hoping.)
Tomorrow I find out what it’s like in real life. Once it’s dry the color will perk right back up again.
And I immediately cast on in a red that made my eyes happy. My turn.
3 Comments so far
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It will be a wonderful accent on something – the perfect cowl to wear with the incandescent yellow-green blouse.
Or perfect for Super Bowl parties where one worries about dripping guacomole. 🙂
Comment by twinsetellen 02.03.14 @ 5:13 amBuffalo is so warm and so soft that the color won’t matter anyway.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 02.03.14 @ 7:44 amI’m not trying to hint my way to a cowl because I have the know-how and the yarn, AND I also have plenty of yarn in the green family… so Yes, someone will definitely love it! More than you know!
When you get a chance, we of the comments would enjoy seeing this color, maybe offering a more flattering colour label suggestion. When I was in college I described the color of my freshman room as pea soup, but now I’m a fan. Moss? Or Alfalfa? My daughter complimented the changes I made to the dining room when I bought a “sage” carpet and other olive-drab accents. Are we in the dried herb family or still closer to chartreuse?
I’m no fan of reds, but I feel I have to stick up for the underappreciated attraction of green!
Comment by LynnM 02.03.14 @ 10:22 amLeave a comment
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