I’ve only ever seen her a few times. Her mother is a member of our church and so today she wheeled her in.
I was surprised to see a touch of gray in the daughter’s hair. It happens, though, doesn’t it.
We threw our arms around each other, the daughter and I. Neither of us asked the other anything like, now what is your name again? I held the mother’s hand a moment; she was lucid, which has not always been so, radiant, even.
It isn’t easy to be responsible for a parent, and from a young age at that, no matter how sweet the personality of both (and they are.)
And I found myself deeply glad I had done that knitting years ago: to do my small part in caring, too, to try to let the daughter know forever that she was not alone.
On a separate note: Bashie just passed away at 98, it was announced today. The woman whose father was a rider for the Pony Express after Abraham Lincoln asked Brigham Young for riders and the last, as far as we know, surviving child of a Civil War soldier.
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Time marches on. I’m glad the mother had a lucid moment, and glad for long lives, well-lived.
Comment by Channon 01.06.14 @ 8:58 pmLeave a comment
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