Hawks like my Cooper’s fly through dense tree cover to go after their prey, and someone took slow-motion photography of his Northern Goshawk demonstrating in a two and a half minute video how such a big bird could fly through such small places. The Air Slalom team for the win!
(Just finished a cowl despite the return of the fever. I have no idea who it’s for, just a sense that it’s important that it be ready and waiting when I do find out. I’ll wash it when I feel better.)
5 Comments so far
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Sorry to hear you have the fever again. Sometimes they “sundown” – you’re good all day, then it kicks up at night. Hope you get fully past it SOON.
Comment by Margo Lynn 01.27.14 @ 5:05 amI hope you feel better soon, and I’m not just saying that because I selfishly want to know the answer to the plant mystery you posted yesterday, even though I do. You can recover, wash your new cowl creation, and then return to the botanical conundrum. But get better first, and soon!
Comment by LynnM 01.27.14 @ 8:40 amso sorry to hear you’re still not feeling well — rest up — the washing and all those other things can wait until you are better
Comment by Bev 01.27.14 @ 10:09 amFeel better very soon. I’m glad you got the cowl finished though.
Comment by Channon 01.27.14 @ 7:02 pmFever be gone! I’m glad you had the energy to finish something, but now spend some time getting healthy again.
Comment by LauraN 01.27.14 @ 10:34 pmLeave a comment
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