Thank you, everybody, I appreciate it; today was a relief after yesterday. I was pretty discouraged there.
Interesting political theater, meantime: watching Congresspeople before the State of the Union address.
One guy, clearly aware there was a camera pointed their way, was smiling quite jovially as Ted Cruz talked to him. Cruz, even seen mostly from the back, clearly was getting more and more intense, jabbing a finger hard in the air, lecturing, the camera lingering to capture the moment while the other guy (dunno who he was) was being easygoing in response.
John McCain was just in front of the two of them and smiling in bemusement at the harangue going on behind him and lifting but not quiiiite entirely rolling his eyes but oh so close as to call it. Then they all sat down for the address and as the camera panned back their way my impression that that had to have been Cruz was confirmed.
I didn’t knit as the President spoke because I was at that indecisive what-to-start-next stage and besides, I didn’t want to miss a word. This was the proverbial and actual Leader of the Free World and I wanted to hear what he had to say.
President Obama laid out the challenges before us, invited Congress to help him meet those challenges and then, acknowledging reality, laid out what he personally was going to do to move us forward. He basically asked them to work together, take the credit for it and run with it.
When my uncle was a freshman in the Senate, there was no one law and in many states, anybody–anybody–could access your medical records for the asking *except you*. You were legally barred. My uncle’s proposal was for a Federal law saying that other than in specific psychiatric cases where there is clear cause to shield the record, all patients should be allowed to access their own and others would need to meet a standard to do so.
The members of his party were quite upset. This would be a Federal law on something the states should regulate. States’ rights!
Uncle Bob responded by saying Senator (I don’t remember who but a ranking Democrat) is against it.
Oh well in THAT case! And his fellow Republicans rallied behind it.
Then-President Clinton ran with it and took credit for it when he signed it and that’s fine, presidents always do get the blame and the credit, the point was to get it done. Probably nobody outside the family associates my uncle’s name with that law. He doesn’t mind a bit. It needed to happen.
Given today’s political realities, I think any member of Congress willing to buck the trend of intransigence and (just) do their (bleeping) jobs would get quite a bit of personal and political credit from a grateful country.
(I started a Malabrigo Mecha hat during the rebuttals. An easy decision.)
2 Comments so far
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I enjoyed watching Biden and Boehner–Biden had trouble staying awake and Boehner never once cracked a smile, but occasionally applauded half-heartedly.
Comment by Abby 01.29.14 @ 5:50 amPerfect use of a nice vocabulary word. There are too many fence-sitters in DC.
Comment by Channon 01.29.14 @ 7:15 pmLeave a comment
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