The after picture, then the before one again–just amazing.
The guy pushed the button, that home page popped up for him, then he turned it around to where I could see it to show me the work his hands had done today. He clearly had been looking forward to seeing the look on my face and it is safe to say he was not disappointed.
My knitting, meantime, had been stumbling for a few days over a puzzlement in a pattern I’d been creating.
After dropping the Ipad off for repairs, I went to deliver a project a half hour north I’d done in superfine Malabrigo Finito. I’d been waiting for Kathryn‘s vacation to be over; I knew there had been two funerals in her family since Thanksgiving, and making her something as soft as possible from yarn from her shop had felt absolutely compelling. And now after all that happened in our own family in the past month, finally I could get it to her!
She was disbelieving. Thrilled. She’d even put on an outfit this morning that totally matched it, and I went home and dove right into the next project. That’s all it took. After a good start on that I put it down, eyed the problematic piece, finally knew what it needed and got on with it. Kathryn did me a great favor that she had no way to know about.
The new project will be the carry-around mindless one that I knew I was going to be needing tomorrow and had been trying to push myself to begin. And now I have–with more Finito she gifted me right back with. It makes me happy to look at.
I waited for the call.
It took two and a half hours and the going rate of $129.95 plus tax for the parts. My sweetie was ecstatic to see how perfect his Ipad looked again so fast.
And we are good to go.
6 Comments so far
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You’re so lucky the iPad could be repaired! With all my knitting stuff I store on mine, I’d be lost if something happened to it! And how lucky you found someone to repair it so quickly!!! Glad Richard is set to go again.
Comment by Jody 01.08.14 @ 5:10 amExcellent!
Comment by Barbara S. 01.08.14 @ 7:31 amYay for the iPad repair but could you turn the damaged screen into a work of art (or is it too unstable.)
Comment by LynnM 01.08.14 @ 11:54 amLove it when a plan comes together.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 01.08.14 @ 3:56 pmWilson and I just went to see “Frozen”, the new Disney movie with all sorts of animated ice crystals. You can simulate that experience by looking at the before picture!
Comment by twinsetellen 01.08.14 @ 8:40 pmLove that first photo. Congrats on the perfect knit and the iPad repair!
Comment by Channon 01.09.14 @ 4:51 pmLeave a comment
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