Went to my lupus group today and it was a small one–just four of us.
In a long conference room at El Camino Hospital that utterly swallows sound, with that few people, it was easy to ask them to repeat and speak up when I needed them to; I wasn’t depriving any new patients of desperately needed information or of their chance to vent by taking up too much of our allotted time, I didn’t have to worry about impatience, it was just old friends coming together again. One woman in particular I have never seen so relaxed, laughing. We reminisced. We caught up on each other and marveled at how some things had turned out okay after all (Joe and the furnace spewing carbon monoxide, I’m looking at you–thank you all over again.)
And I looked around and thought, we’re survivors. And this is why we come: to show the young patients they will get through it. We did. We do. So will they.
But today we could just simply be, and be together.
It was just what I needed.
3 Comments so far
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The joy of old friends, not having to explain all the details, having been through it together, it is so comforting.
Comment by twinsetellen 01.09.14 @ 5:50 pmI am so happy for you; a good visit with long-time friends is a special bond.
Comment by DebbieR 01.09.14 @ 9:05 pmLeave a comment
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