Well we needed a little Christmas right this very minute
Sunday December 22nd 2013, 10:18 pm
Filed under: Family,Food,Friends,Life,Lupus

HE’S HOME!!!!!! They were going to keep him till the middle of the grandsons’ visit, a whole ‘nother five days, and yesterday when he said, So I’m going home tomorrow, right? the nurses were sympathetic but the doctors gave that idea a yeah right look.

So I was not at all expecting the call at 12:15 this afternoon saying they were sending him home and he was getting ready. Then immediately came the message from Phyllis and Lee saying they wanted to go visit him.

–Well actually….

I had been wishing hard that I didn’t have to make that long walk in the sun at the highest-UV part of the day, solstice or no solstice, and there they immediately were on the phone with no idea I needed them, offering well then, let us help you out with that. And so they drove me to the curb and waited. Circled when they had to and came back and waited patiently some more.

It’s always a long wait. After awhile I went to the nurses’ station and asked with a grin if I could bum a wheelchair and wheel him out myself? (One is never allowed to walk out on one’s own, an employee must wheel you out.) They laughed and called down again and ten minutes later there you go. Took an hour and a half for me once, so ten minutes is practically the speed of light.

And then just to top it off, when we got home Phyl and Lee asked a few questions and then went into our garage (brave people) and wrestled the fake tree out of there and the wires to the darn thing and set it all up for us, upright and lights on and there you go.

I was expecting to have a grand total in the decorating department of a Christmas quilt on the floor with post office boxes on top. By myself. Whoopdedoo. And then head over to visit him at Stanford.

He looks great. A friend was throwing a get-together tonight and he wanted to go and so after a few hours’ lying down here to rest up for it he had a great time, and Nina and Rod were there and offered Christmas dinner if we would throw in the oven time since theirs wasn’t working. Hey! Twist our arms! It will be a great day well spent.

And, bless the poor old guy, now I don’t have to be in the same room for hours every day with a patient on the other side of the curtain with pneumonia and a 102.5 degree fever–in my autoimmunity, that was really really really not a good place to be, but since it was my husband on our side of the curtain there was no question but that I was to be there. I confess I would have been there more hours had it not been for that.

The new hospital whose foundations they are now working on will all be private rooms to stop germs from spreading between patients so easily.  They can’t build it fast enough.

My Richard is home. I wore a Christmas sweater a dear friend gave me years ago, and the good Jewish wife who’d been there day after day too with who knows how much more to go whose elderly husband lay in that other bed and whom I fervently wished could be taking him home too wished me a heartfelt Merry Christmas as we went out that door free.

9 Comments so far
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Yippee! Oh I was so hoping for just that Christmas miracle for you! Best wishes to all of you, and a speedy recovery to Richard and Michelle.

Comment by DebbieR 12.23.13 @ 12:09 am


Comment by Anne 12.23.13 @ 12:49 am

Yes, much Yay!

Comment by LynnM 12.23.13 @ 5:51 am

I truly have tears in my eyes as I read this – of joy. It sounds like you got your Christmas!

Comment by twinsetellen 12.23.13 @ 6:14 am

Hurray. Christmas wishes do come true. Hug him.

Comment by Sherry in Idaho 12.23.13 @ 9:17 am

Even doctors know that a cheerful heart is as good as medicine–so sending him home to love, joy, and family was a good move.

Comment by LauraN 12.23.13 @ 2:11 pm

sounds like the best Christmas present ever! Enjoy each other and rest a bit

Comment by Bev 12.23.13 @ 7:42 pm


Comment by Afton 12.24.13 @ 5:11 pm

What a joyous Christmas miracle! Hooray!

Comment by Channon 12.24.13 @ 7:21 pm

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