Hudson practicing for Talk Like A Pirate Day.
I called my mom and wished her a happy birthday.
A little later, my doorbell rang. It was such a joy to see those happy, expectant faces: I was expecting two, I got four. Nicholas and his dad, who had worked together and made persimmon puree and persimmon chutney from their tree; Nicholas was selling them to make Christmas money (and to earn that Lego robotics toy he really really wanted) and I had asked if I could buy some.
And his little sisters: the twins whom I’d given yarn to to learn how to knit with. They asked if I’d gotten the fingerknitted-chained necklaces they’d made me? (I’d thanked them a week ago but being right there in person, the excitement needed to be shared all over again and the delivery of the gift made real.) Yes!
And so I reached a few steps backwards and grabbed the things and wrapped them around my neck to their delight and I thanked them all over again.
Turns out they had a burning question about it, and one pointed at the brick red piece: “What is that?”
I got it– “Silk.”
Their eyes got big.
So were mine when I saw what they’d all brought me. I doublechecked to make sure I wasn’t depriving anybody else by buying the eight jars of puree–I love the stuff. Not only was it wonderful food from their tree and their hands and their stove but it was wrapped up beautifully, one even covered in a square of–wait for it–silk. A drapery sample (as labeled on the back) that added that perfect decorator’s touch that people like me can only wonder in awe at. How did they think of that?! Not in my skill set, that’s for sure.
And then later we got to Skype with Parker and wish him a happy third birthday. He proudly showed us a new toy, while Hudson found watching his big brother far more interesting than grownups waving on a screen.
Next week we get to see the boys and their parents in person and run and play and sing and hug. I cannot wait.
4 Comments so far
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It makes me happy thinking of you spending time with those boys!
Comment by twinsetellen 12.21.13 @ 11:15 amLeave a comment
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