A friend’s son is suddenly on life support after an unexpected medical emergency and will not survive, I found out today. We will never again see that sweet redheaded Down’s adult winking in pride at his mom for a job well done after he’s helped out. I wanted to shout NO! No more of this, everybody just stop dying for a little while, okay? Enough!
And that my friend Jennifer is moving away.
Sometimes it’s all a bit too much.
There was an unexpected knock at our door tonight: Jennifer herself, sharing some homemade soup that she’d frozen extras of and would not have time here to finish off, offering up food, friendship, and what I think I needed most of all, an evening’s presence. We talked, she asked after Michelle, we laughed, we all swapped stories till late, we treasured every moment. She told us of one dear to her who had been in such an accident–but he had died. We examined the impacts of grief together in a safe place.
We laughed over the antics of babies–one at church today who’d toddled over to her, descriptions of her brother’s twins at the just-walking stage. New life. To life!
And I came away feeling somehow whole again in a way that had been missing these last few days.
5 Comments so far
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How I wish I could come over with my daughter and bring cheer to your household until your own family gets there!
I am sending you warm hugs and prayers of peace.
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 12.16.13 @ 6:03 amOne of my most difficult moments was when my sister-in-law went into labor during my father’s funeral….
Comment by Abby McKean 12.16.13 @ 2:35 pmThe universe is throwing way too much into your path lately. (hugs)
Comment by melanie 12.16.13 @ 4:19 pmOh my! Life is throwing you a curve ball, isn’t it? Circle of life, bittersweet. But enough with the sad bits, get on with the celebrating life and smiles and friends.
Comment by DebbieR 12.16.13 @ 9:01 pmLife just keeps coming, doesn’t it. I hope your next disaster is that your darling grandsons leave sweet little fingerprints everywhere. That sounds like something you can cope with.
Comment by LauraN 12.16.13 @ 10:26 pmLeave a comment
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