I got to talk to Don on the phone and he sounded much stronger. It was very heartening.
Tonight we went to the creche exhibit I mentioned yesterday, and found that the concert of the evening was Bill Liberatore leading the high school choir with perhaps even more enthusiasm than his usual, if possible; loving the kids, loving the music, the audience, the beautiful setting, just absolutely glowing.
And since we had four kids go through the music program at that school, we went up to say hi to him afterwards for old times’ sake, to his delight.
He mentioned that this year, his daughter was up there singing in that choir too.
I had been listening to the pieces and thinking, wait, his little girl is probably–could she be that old by now? Nahhh… Couldn’t be…
Bill, meantime, turned a bit to admire the small toddler in a former student’s arms (someone we’d known since she’d been a small child herself), and he wondered out loud how time could have passed like that.
But it had for his own, too, of course, and now I understood that extra thrill of pride I’d been seeing in his face during the performance. You could tell. It was there in the love, resounding and bright and clear.
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What a great post to read as I start my day!
Comment by LynnM 12.10.13 @ 2:01 amLeave a comment
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