It’s not my fault. Afton started it.
An online longtime mutual knitting friend of ours has been fighting all kinds of things, starting with cancer, and so Afton thought up the idea that we could knit her a scarf: she was knitting the first square and mailing it to me, I could send it on to the next person, and suddenly we had seventeen people signed up from all over the country and I think beyond. And then I think a few more chimed in. Cheering on commenced.
Having been the recipient of so much such knitting when I was the one in the hospital five years ago, it is deeply gratifying to see the responses–and to get to be a part of it.
Afghans take a lot of time to come together and we wanted as immediate a gratification as we could pull off and something that wouldn’t seem overwhelming against anybody’s holiday knitting queue.
I was waiting for the package to arrive so I could make my piece match Afton’s, but the mail didn’t get delivered when it was promised her it would and I had the weekend to wish not to add to the delay. So I simply sat down and made mine and waited. The headlights on the postal truck finally showed just before six this evening.
My first thought, opening up the envelope was, well, you can tell which one of us lives in a warm climate: mine is merino and silk in a yarn that was a surprise gift from another member of the same group so it seemed perfect when I picked it out, but I have to admit I’d simply forgotten about actually cold weather; a little thinner, a little lace, a little Californian. Hers is good and solid and warm. And soft.
It’ll be fascinating to see how the whole thing looks in the end. Everybody please take a picture as it goes out your door to show once this is all done and in the recipient’s hands.
7 Comments so far
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Nothing wrong with a California square in there. Good thinking to just “get ‘er done”!
Comment by Ruth 12.03.13 @ 12:07 amAlison, How many stitches did you cast on, please? Want to get a head start on mine.
Comment by Bev 12.03.13 @ 7:00 ammake it 5.5 by 6 says “she who started it.”
I love your square! Mine looks a little, ah, East Coast, next to it, but ehhhhh, she will know when she gets it that we ALL love her.
PS. Silly drawing, isn’t it? I just can’t seem to send anything out with a drawing anymore. I’m surprised it wasn’t a cat that slipped in there.
Comment by afton 12.03.13 @ 7:07 amNow even I can’t wait to see the finished scarf…and I am not even participating!
Comment by Pam 12.03.13 @ 9:33 amMine is 27 stitches. Hers was 26. And Afton, all your drawings are a delight!
Comment by AlisonH 12.03.13 @ 9:35 amI can’t wait to see it when it gets to me. I’ll take some photos of it in progress…
Comment by Deb in MD 12.03.13 @ 12:05 pmHope I’m not too late too get on board.
Comment by Laura Jean White 12.07.13 @ 8:43 amLeave a comment
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