Trying to type with an icepack on one arm, shortly to be switched off to the other. Icing just as a precautionary measure at the first sign of complaining, it’s not bad and I want it to stay that way.
But there’s nothing quite like that little satisfying snap sound at the end of a project. (And being able to hear it!) Especially when with 960 stitches per pattern repeat, there was just just just enough supersoft Malabrigo Finito left that I got to break the yarn at the end.
Oh and by the way? That excellent blueberry cake recipe? We found out tonight that it’s good with sour cherries, too.
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It reminds me of the “ping!” after a successful seal on a home canned jar of…sour cherries!
Comment by twinsetellen 11.12.13 @ 6:59 pmLeave a comment
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