Twenty-five years ago, my sister had her fourth son, and maybe he would have been the youngest. But Nicholas did not live through his first day.
Garrett, her oldest, (he would have been I think seven?) remembered that they had always had a birthday cake to celebrate and welcome the new baby home into the family when his little brothers had come along, and asked if they could have one to celebrate Nicholas, too.
It was only right. And so they did.
Anne had another baby boy after that, and then, still not quite done hoping for a girl, the surprise of twins: identical, you got it, boys. “Well I know how to raise boys,” she told me happily–and she adored my girls as if they were her own, to my and their great gratitude. Every child needs a non-parent adult who thinks they’re just the best.
And I thought the world of her boys: they had great parents. They’re great kids.
It is 11/12/13 and so it will always be easy to remember and figure out how old they are: Garrett and his wife’s twins arrived today, Anne’s first grandchildren, early but apparently healthy. Layla Jaymes, 4 lbs 4 oz, and her brother Nolan Nicholas, 3 lbs 5, absolutely beautiful, both of them. The boy seemed to be waving the paparazzi away, as one friend commented on a Facebook photo, and I thought, Anne finally gets her girl!
Nolan. Nicholas.
It was only right. And so they did.
5 Comments so far
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awesome — praying for those little ones to be just fine! (and just what do you do with a baby that small, says she whose daughter and grand son both weighted over 8 pounds!)
Comment by Bev 11.13.13 @ 10:57 amCongratulations on becoming a great aunt to Layla and Nolan.
To Bev above-in-the-comments, you get there slowly but it is a long, hard road. Any help that can be offered would be great, – especially practical things like meals, and in-house babysitting, to give the parents some leeway.
From a mother of all premature babies, under 2 lbs (1,040 gm, 1,965 gm and 21?? gm, sorry I don’t know the later two in pounds and ounces.
Comment by StellaMM 11.13.13 @ 5:49 pmYou write divinely.
I pray for a long and healthy life for these angels and all the joy possible for all of you. <3
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 11.13.13 @ 7:35 pmAhhh!
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 11.14.13 @ 8:16 amLeave a comment
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