Filed under: Friends
It was the Saturday before Thanksgiving at Costco, oh joy; we didn’t head out till late afternoon (and got what seemed to be the last gallon of orange juice.)
Wheeling the cart together halfway across the parking lot, lucky to have gotten that close in, I noted a car way ahead waiting for a spot and another, a few car lengths behind us, slowly inching forward, hoping the people loading up just past us were going to get done quickly. Getting late, still crowded.
I did a doubletake and called out the driver’s name. She startled and then exclaimed in delight from the other side of her window. Our kids had gone to school together back in the day.
I’d tried to connect with her this past May and found she was in the hospital, having major surgery not far from what mine had been like. I didn’t want to take her my germs and didn’t get to visit her and I’ve quite regretted that it was so; she, after all, had visited me when I was going through that, to my great surprise.
And here she was, in person, right here, braving that Costco parking lot, living the wonderfully ordinary again. SO good to see her!
In a red van. Like Don’s. Hey, Don, your turn next.
4 Comments so far
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Hey Alison, here’s one Don posted about his van a while back.
Hope he gets some energy to get back to commenting and posting soon (hear that, Don?)
Braving Costco the Saturday before T-day, you deserved that rewarding connection with your friend, for sure!
Comment by twinsetellen 11.24.13 @ 7:20 amoh my — you are much braver that I! we’ll be making our little Costco run very early on Monday morning — and it will still be crazy!!
Comment by Bev 11.24.13 @ 10:43 amHooray for parking lot connections and friends healthy enough for such.
Comment by Channon 11.24.13 @ 8:23 pmLeave a comment
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