A good evening with friends, and at the end…Huh. I checked my purse.
I hadn’t put it in there.
We got home and I sent off a note to the owner of the restaurant, describing the handknit hat in detail, the cable around the brim with a seam at the back, the stitches going up from there with no seam. Saying that if someone found it and treasures it and that’s where it is to be now, I will be glad they have it–and yet. It is a twinge.
I don’t normally knit cotton because it hurts my hands to work with, but I had this time as a chemo cap for my late mother-in-law. It was such a plain yarn but it had come out so pretty–I had been surprised, and pleased for her sake. In the end, it had come back to me now, and I had kept it as a memento of her.
….And now I put it to God. There is something very freeing about that. He knows better than I where it could do the most good.
2 Comments so far
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That’s the same attitude my mother had years ago when too late she discovered that the boots she had given to my Dad to donate to the homeless shelter contained the $900 she had spent ten years saving to have a built-in cupboard constructed in her kitchen. I’m not sure I would have recovered so easily. I hope I would but I don’t know.
Comment by Jody 11.17.13 @ 9:04 amPardon me, but I’m still hoping you get a call from the restaurant…
Comment by Channon 11.17.13 @ 5:44 pmLeave a comment
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