We have good friends who are about to move–a half hour north, not Far Far Away, but where we would no longer see them at church every week. It was their 25th anniversary.
And so today there was a grand bash: a renewal of their vows in the building they’d gotten married in, music, and speeches by their kids including her older two the dad had taken in as his own.
The college-age-and-above children showed a video of their oldest sister as a young kid reenacting her mommy’s then-recent wedding, complete with the dress and veil that their mother was again wearing today. Here Comes The Bride played. I don’t know who the little boy she’d roped into joining her was, but in the footage they stood before the child playing officiator and then the taller bride grabbed the littler groom and swept him off his feet, their backs now to the camera as she play-reenacted, as best as one could tell from that angle, The Kiss photograph where the kissee is swept nearly horizontal mid-air by the sailor celebrating the War being over.
Then she pretended to belt him forward across the room like Popeye on a good dose of spinach, the both of them wildly hamming it up, and dusted off her hands in triumph. The audience was laughing to tears across the chapel.
We all adjourned from there to their soon-to-be-sold house. A chocolate torte may have been among the desserts. (Adding the link to make it easier for some people who were there to find the recipe.) My daughter’s surgeon from high school, who turned out to be their neighbor, made a point of finding me and telling me how good it was.
But the best part by far, of course, was the joy of the bride and groom and their family.
Good times.
And, on a totally side note, as we were out the door to go, the mail had just come and there was my much-anticipated package. I was dying to know what would be inside.
Here’s what The Buffalo Wool Company‘s email ad said on October 30:
“Seeing as you are a BWC VIP, you are getting a heads up and a early peek at what has been our most unusual promotion of the year. I don’t know if you should be grateful or annoyed 🙂 You might be better off spending your hard earned $$ on candy and tequila.
Yes this is our annual Trick or Treat offering, and once more, I highly recommend you skip this and go find some good skein of sheep stuff, or goat hair. There is a slim chance you will actually get anything useful here, most likely you will get a tangled mess that someone found under the packing table.
You might get a skein or two of Heaven, Sexy, or even Strange Twist, but most likely you will get a random odd lot, bad dye job, or knotted slub of mess. All year long we toss anything we don’t feel right selling for top dollar into a bucket, and around now we pull out those buckets, toss a few skeins of top quality yarn in to appease our consciences, and offer a shred of hope.
This is how we clean out the office and pay for the company Christmas party. 🙂
There are 400 skeins of Buffalo Wool Co. yarn, 260 of which are truly our seconds and mistakes, we have added a bunch of “Half-Tracks”, “Tracks”, “Sexy”, “Heaven”, “Strange Twist”, and two Skeins of “Buffalo Gold” So, you have almost 60/40 odds of getting crap.
This is the one thing every year that our “satisfaction guarantee” doesn’t apply too, you get what you get, we have warned you. There are no returns, and we pretty much guarantee you won’t like what you get. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Ron Miskin
The Buffalo Wool Co.”
I guffawed reading that and then had to explain to Richard what was so funny. He, quizzical: “You’re going to DO that?” Heck yeah!
I got a color I would never have ordered but that I’m very glad to have on hand to knit for someone else or maybe even me. Some little kid–or maybe it was a who let the cat in, but they’d clearly played with the winder because the yarn meandered this way and back thataway in little helter-skelter of apparently criss-crossed loops at the top of the hank at random. It took me awhile to untangle it into a nice tidy ball.
But for ten bucks? For buffalo yarn? For this nice stuff? Hey.
Shame that invitation said No Gifts. But then, my knitting beat them to it by a few years.
5 Comments so far
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That sounds like the time a friend gifted the Chicks with some tangled masses her dog played with. It took four of us about an hour and a half to untangle the spider web of yarn but we had a lovely skein to use when it was done.
Comment by Jody 11.03.13 @ 4:31 amAnd to think that I paid $95, in Montana for enough buffalo to make a small shawl plus a cap for the husband!
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 11.03.13 @ 7:43 amGreat ad! How could anyone resist?
If you check my stash/projects on Ravelry you’ll see I paid £17 for 100gr of Yak in that very colour (moss)! Yup, there are bound to be other people who adore it!
Comment by LynnM 11.03.13 @ 10:25 amThis sounds like a lottery in which you aren’t really gambling – something good will come of it!
Comment by twinsetellen 11.03.13 @ 10:25 amLeave a comment
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