My friend Phyllis and I went off to the Harvest Festival arts and crafts fair today, as close to Black Friday-ing as I ever care to get. We got to see Mel and Kris! Our potter friends!
I figured I could justify buying a few food items (and a Mel-and-Kris mug. Hey.)
Yesterday, the turkey was carved in Aunt Mary Lynn’s kitchen and the bones went straight into the fridge, to be sent home with us. No way was I staying up till 2 am to cook them down, so, I did it when I got home from the fair.
I tried a little in a spoonful this evening, curious.
Then a fair bit more in a quarter cup.
And another.
And a few more times, and had to stop and put both in the fridge so there’d be some for anybody else.
For the record: fresh turkey broth mixed with grenadine syrup from the owners of the pomegranite trees? Watch out, cranberries, this totally beats you. and the shipping is free this weekend only. The syrup does not have and does not need added sugar. Wow. Recommended. Go have fun.
(Edited to add: the label on mine says pomegranite juice, water, lemon juice. The description online says pomegranite juice, water, sugar, lemon juice. Curious. If it’s an issue for you, ask them.)
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Oh my. That sounds incredible. I’m not sure I would have been able to put it up to share later!
Comment by Channon 11.30.13 @ 6:28 amLeave a comment
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