Dark o’clock alarm for the earliest flight out. Dark again after the last flight back. Blessings on Michelle for driving us despite working till 2 am the last few nights. (So did Richard.)
Hudson being a charmer despite teething.
More tomorrow after a little sleep. But I just have to say: if you ever, ever want to knit for someone who will swoon, who can’t believe you did that, who loves all the people who loved them and shared or wanted to share their yarn to contribute to the afghan for their little (is he really already two months old? Yeah, she said, I know!) baby–my daughter-in-law’s whole family is just the best.
And Hayes’s mom also said that after he was chilled that first week that yes, he likes very much now to be warm. The afghan was perfect.
5 Comments so far
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Beautiful! I’m so glad you were able to “pop over” for a visit with all the darling little boys and their families.
Comment by Channon 09.15.13 @ 4:22 amSweetness! It’s so special when hand knitted gifts are appreciated like that! It makes all the work and sometimes aggravation worthwhile.
Comment by Jody 09.15.13 @ 4:24 amSo glad that the blanket was well-received! Some people are knit-worthy; others are not. I’m glad that your family falls into the former category.
Comment by Kathy in San Jose 09.15.13 @ 7:32 amLook at those smiles on your boys! Two happy people!
I have to say there is one problem with “swoonable” blankets and that’s the fear of using them. My mom quilted and cross-stitched a crib blanket for my daughter that was so precious I had it turned into a wall hanging, lest mortal hands damage it. I hope Hayes’ family aren’t too afraid to use your blanket. It’s a FINE line….
Knit-worthy or not-worthy.
It’s perfectly obvious what the case is here.
Adorable youngster!
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