My husband likes the occasional dish of yogurt in the evening. He had some tonight.
A short time later, after thinking about it a bit, I offered that I would have some spoiled yogurt myself.
He wrinkled his face in confusion: “Spoiled? Yogurt?”
“Yes. Green.”
(one… two…)
His face suddenly lit up. “I think I’ll have some green yogurt too!”
I grinned from the kitchen, reaching for a second small rice bowl of Mel and Kris’s–they make a big spoonful look like a generous portion, no small thing.
And scooped him out some pistachio gelato, too.
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And you know, after a day off, the rest of that blanket will just fly from your needles! 🙂
I’ve been taking my ice cream in a coffee mug for years for that visual impact… One scoop looks much bigger in a small serving dish.
Comment by Channon 09.02.13 @ 6:49 amGreen, yet! Does thats count toward green vegetables? The pistachio gelato, I mean.
Comment by Donald Meyer 09.02.13 @ 9:45 amLeave a comment
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