Just need to run the ends in on the baby blanket–tomorrow. But the knitting part, it is done.
The cashmere-blend Epiphany yarn on the next project is down 28 grams and going fast.
And for a little fun: someone among the ironworkers repairing the old Bay Bridge after the Loma Prieta quake of ’89 had an artistic side. Permission was not asked, and good thing, because state officials said it would not have been granted–but a troll was created and the workers welded it in place underneath the roadway. A little public art to brace against natural disasters. To stand guard. Ships passing below could see him and apparently the traffic news helicopters could zoom their lenses to him but I’d never heard of the thing till now, when the current ironworkers refused to let him be gone with the old span that was just relegated to history this past weekend.
This time Caltrans got it right. The little troll, our local man of steel, is to be saved for a museum still bolted to his piece of his bridge and according to the LA Times, officialdom has now asked that, given how trolls traditionally go with one bridge and one bridge only, and that ours has done such a marvelous job of protecting all from natural harm, that a new one be created for the new bridge. Of steel, in a place protected from the sun (a troll after my own heart), and they offered that it might be made by the ironworkers, or someone in a non-profit industrial arts class in Oakland, or…
On the sly. Don’t tell them. Just go for it.
Cue the Habu Textiles folks! That steel laceweight yarn I could never see a reason to buy at Stitches–it’s windy on that bridge and you know a little someone will need a good scarf.
11 Comments so far
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Yes! Yes! but, but, but, but, but…
A cap, like the workers of old, made out of steel wire yarn AND a cap.
I SO wish I lived close enough to make that! And slip it to someone “in the know.”
Comment by Afton 09.10.13 @ 5:17 amYES!! Gotta have a troll!!
Comment by Abby McKean 09.10.13 @ 8:50 amSeems like your post and mine sorta go together. The bridge, I mean. Interesting. A neighbor just got back from her trip to Norway, and submitted an article to our park magazine about trolls, complete with picture.
Comment by Donald Meyer 09.10.13 @ 9:18 amWonderful! Shows that occasionally the gummint has a real heart. Or maybe this one is made of iron, too?
Comment by Margo Lynn 09.10.13 @ 11:16 amI lived about 90 miles from S.F. when the quake happened. Felt it, too.
Comment by Diana Troldahl 09.10.13 @ 2:18 pmYup. I’ve been watching this story in the ‘local’ news. Fun stuff
Comment by Ruth 09.10.13 @ 4:06 pmI thought they’d already put a new troll on the new bridge. That’s what I heard – and that they weren’t going to say where it was.
Comment by Anne 09.10.13 @ 5:07 pmI thought they’d already put a new troll on the new bridge. That’s what I heard – and that they weren’t going to say where it was.
Glad they are keeping the old one. It definitely should be in a museum where people can see and appreciate it.
Comment by Anne 09.10.13 @ 5:09 pmoops … I posted twice … now thrice!
Comment by Anne 09.10.13 @ 5:09 pmNew troll and old troll: http://mtc.ca.gov/news/current_topics/9-13/sfobb_troll.htm
Comment by Kathy in San Jose 09.10.13 @ 11:07 pmLeave a comment
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