Filed under: Family
The bride didn’t know her fiance’s mom’s cousin lived in California…somewhere.
I way overslept–I mean, WAY overslept this morning, by two hours to my great astonishment; I’m fine. No flare. It made no sense. I told Richard, There’s got to be a reason because there isn’t one I can see. And so our plans of going to the Mormon temple in Oakland in the morning were completely shot and we got there in the afternoon instead.
We walked out the door there at 4:00 to see a crowd of people that happened to include Mike and Robert standing side by side front and center looking at us coming. I stopped, jaw doing a crash landing on the ground, and exclaimed before the hug, What are YOU doing here?!
Robert motioned, “Your cousins are over there.” (They’re the husbands of the two sisters.)
And their 91-year-old dad was with them too and so I gave Uncle other-Bob (I have three) a hug along with his two older daughters. They’d all flown in together for Peggy’s son’s wedding; the bride was from Berkeley.
We visited a few minutes, and then at last I had to plead sun.
Just enough time for totally unexpected joy.
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nothing without a reason — and isn’t it sweet when we figure out the reason so quickly!!
Comment by bev 08.18.13 @ 9:44 amLeave a comment
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