There may be those who would like to sign a petition like the one I linked to yesterday but take issue with its stance on gun control.
And so I searched again. There is indeed a petition that simply asks the White House to award Antoinette Tuff the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her heroic actions the day of the school gunman in Georgia. It is here, and I have signed it, too.
Meantime, two little someones had a good time at their first baseball game.
6 Comments so far
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You sure can make a hot dot look big if it’s in small enough hands! Thanks for the smiles!
Comment by carol telsey 08.24.13 @ 8:16 amWho doesn’t love a baseball game. And there are those of us who don’t even like hotdogs, but at a game, they are sooo good!
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 08.24.13 @ 10:05 amIt’s just a hunch, mind you, but I think one youngster is more aware of his surroundings than the other.
Comment by Donald Meyer 08.24.13 @ 10:53 amLeave a comment
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