Filed under: Life
It takes two.
Fairly big company, they goofed by half on the refund when I sent something back; I called.
Clearly their rep was bracing herself for the outrage from a customer they’d done wrong to. I wondered what or who she’d had to deal with prior to me.
So I took that as my challenge to cheer her up: no harm done, I knew they would make that adjustment no problem, and why not take it as the blessing of a chance to meet, if only by phone and only for a moment?
She found where the error had come in–Oh, this is it, as she fixed it. It was so gratifying to hear the smile that had come into her voice.
Cool, thanks!
I got off the phone marveling that I had actually enjoyed having had to be on the phone with customer service. How often does that happen?
5 Comments so far
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Every now and then I have the opportunity to call a customer service rep after I received my order just to thank them for their prompt and courteous service. You should hear the surprise in their voices! I sure hope it brightens their day.
Comment by Jody 08.14.13 @ 2:48 amHow often does it happen? Not very. I suspect they get few calls from someone named Alison. I know when I have to call, I often have to struggle to keep a normal tone.
Comment by Donald Meyer 08.14.13 @ 9:48 amsometimes it’s fun to just turn the tables on someone and make it a pleasant experience!!
Comment by bev 08.14.13 @ 11:06 amFrom the post a couple of days ago re the mammogram, I believe it is only the ‘primary relatives’ (sister, daughter, mother etc) that make it in the roll call of cancer relatives, after that the genetics fades somewhat.
Comment by StellaMM 08.14.13 @ 5:43 pmLeave a comment
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