The doorbell rang. Cliff! And Don, sitting over in the car pulled in front of the house. Hi!
Cliff handed me a bag full of clamshells they’d been carefully saving for me, for which I am very grateful. It was so good to see them.
The raccoons, meantime, had been clambering for more last night, partying and carrying on.
Occu-pie! In spite of their best efforts as they wall streaked, we made light of their raids on the sus-pension system and held a clambake in the sun all day to celebrate; Apple’s shares tanked on the news, being all caught up in white tape, while Fuji’s stalkholders held out hopes of a crisp increase in dividends.
Apple felt boxed in by the French regulators on their case, protesting proudly, Mais je m’apple…
Fuji raked in the green, adding last week’s fallout to this in hopes of their own sweet success.
I think I’ll clam up now.
6 Comments so far
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My goodness, Alison, you are on quite the punny roll! 😎
Comment by Nancy G 07.05.13 @ 10:35 pmWow! I do believe lupus brain has left the building. You are on a roll!
Comment by DebbieR 07.05.13 @ 11:10 pmWith this post, if not already true, you have firmly established yourself as a leading racoonteur.
Comment by twinsetellen 07.06.13 @ 4:33 amGood grief! Did we start something with all those clamshells? I suggested to Cliff that we needn’t save anymore for a while.
Comment by Donald Meyer 07.06.13 @ 10:14 amThat Don’s a thoughtful guy!
Comment by LynnM 07.06.13 @ 11:03 amLeave a comment
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