Kathy and Rachel are neighbors to each other and Purlescence buddies to me; Kathy had an errand to run this morning, and so she came by here with yarn, a quick gab-and-g0. Mostly Cascade 220 superwash, mostly from Rachel, some from her, pick and choose and use what suits and have fun.
The happiest kind of peer pressure. Not that I needed any to launch right into it. To Hayes with love from the whole wide world, welcoming him to safe harbors.
8 Comments so far
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And they beat me to the punch as well. It looks like just perfect color and it will be finished in time for the cooler weather when it will be most appreciated.
Comment by Holly 07.23.13 @ 5:32 amlovely — and I see you’ve set to work already!!
can’t wait to see what you create
Comment by bev 07.23.13 @ 6:49 amWow! Such wonderful friends! That’s what you get for being you.
Comment by Donald Meyer 07.23.13 @ 8:58 amI knew that I needed to get the yarn to you quickly because you were itching to get started! Can’t wait to see the final product – but don’t overdo the knitting and cause hand problems!
Comment by Kathy in San Jose 07.23.13 @ 9:27 amSo happy to see the yarn turn into something that will be loved – and so much more quickly than I’d ever get around to doing it. 🙂 What are friends for?!
Comment by noblograchel 07.23.13 @ 10:22 pmLeave a comment
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