It had been awhile since a good Trader Joe’s run, and it was time to stock up on the honey mints that I reward myself for treadmill time with, bags of frozen fruit for making crisps with, organic sugar too, dark chocolate salted caramel peanut butter truffles. And ginger cookies, one of the few worth buying store-boughts over, don’t forget the ginger cookies.
No we won’t eat them all at once. I promise.
I got in the checkout line of a middle-aged clerk whose cheerful face I have enjoyed for a number of years. She was being given a hug by a quite young fellow employee about to leave–the job, the area, her friends, on to her new life, and I waited, not wanting to interrupt nor put any pressure on them.
Ah my. Back to work now. And the older woman turned to me, emotions close to the surface, and asked, It’s been awhile. How are you?
I’m fine, I smiled, and you?
Good, thanks–but no really: how’s your health? You doing okay?
I so was not expecting that. But instead of feeling intrusive, it felt like a tap on the shoulder reminding me how good I have it now, and I really meant it when I said thank you. To reassure her, I gestured towards the two bags she’d just filled and told her, “When life is good, you buy the fun foods,” and she laughed in relief–and at the truth in the thought.
And while I was typing that, a small finch hit the window and was laying on its back a few feet away from me–I thought at first dead, but no: its tail quivered.
A towhee, a gentle, bigger bird, reminded me in that moment of that clerk as it eyed me quickly to be on the safe side and then hopped down straightway from the box and it went directly to the finch’s side and sang–encouragement, to my surprise. It was not a bird that posed any danger to the injured one, but I did not expect it to matter to it that the little one was hurt. Clearly it did. Get up, get up, the hawk might see you.
Then the towhee flew away.
The finch pulled herself to upright and watched me for awhile. When I blinked, she blinked back. I kept my eyes shut longer to try to encourage her to rest. She did.
Good. Not blinded by the impact, then–that’s the biggest worry.
And when she was ready, sooner than I expected, she too flew (I saw that wing tucked partly across her earlier, I’d have thought it was broken, but no) and was off and away and okay.
4 Comments so far
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that shopping list sounds good to me
until reading your postings I never realized all this interaction between the different birds went on
Comment by bev 07.10.13 @ 7:51 amOh, I remember a time at Trader Joe’s … but you know that story.
With the postings I’ve had about different animal breed friends that it doesn’t completely surprise me about the two birds, but I’d never seen nor heard of it with birds.
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