I held off on calling because I felt Emily had enough to deal with; an email would give her whatever space and time she might need.
She did email back today, telling me she is taking life twelve hours at a time. At the end of the day she sent a note to all, overwhelmed at all the “soot covered, mask wearing bodies who flocked to my rescue” Monday and then came back Tuesday to help some more. She and her family were going off to family for a few weeks, away from the ash and the loss to catch their breath. She vowed to plant new tomato plants when they got back (and I wondered, flame? Firefighters? Foam? She did not say.)
And her favorite jacket washed out clean.
And her skirt awaits.
3 Comments so far
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We never want disasters like that to happen to us, but we sure find out in a hurry who our friends are.
Comment by Donald Meyer 08.01.13 @ 8:38 amPLEASE beg her not to plant tomatoes where foam settled into the ground. Any fire run-off is quite toxic, but…
Comment by Channon 08.02.13 @ 4:20 pmLeave a comment
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