Thursday June 06th 2013, 10:05 pm
Filed under: Family
Filed under: Family
Didn’t quite make Dad’s birthday back in the day, but that way I got Dr. Jeffrey Nathan being the one doing the delivery, back when we lived in New Hampshire.
Meantime, Parker putting his foot down, showing off his Lego shoes. I put a shot of them up on Facebook, where the consensus in the comments was that we need a letter-writing campaign for grownup sizes. Hey–I’d buy a pair!
A few more pictures of my second baby’s babies to celebrate his birthday by. And to thank him and Kim for being such good parents to our grandsons.
4 Comments so far
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June produces beautiful babies, I may be biased since my youngest just turned 19 on the 3rd, and am having a birthday today.
Comment by Kris 06.07.13 @ 7:33 amAnd mine was the 2nd. Wow! Two cute kids! Is Parker standing on a trampoline?
Comment by Don Meyer 06.07.13 @ 8:50 amLeave a comment
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