The lace shawl is finished. I washed the mill oils out of the silk and tried it on, damp and all, and it’s blocking now.
But the person I want to give it to and I are at opposite ends of the size spectrum and I did start it for me before I knew I needed to knit for her and it’s pretty clear it’s too small. So I went stash diving just now and I think I’ve come up with a color she’ll like–or I could, y’know, ask. I guess I’d just needed to know who needed to be next on my needles.
The first time Richard mentioned it, Wednesday night, late, I opened the bathroom window and then I heard it too–an incredible moment of wow! Can you HEAR that?! (Yeah, yeah, I know you can.) I knew I wasn’t getting all of the sounds, but I got the tune!
It had to be a mockingbird. It sang again and Richard sang it an echo–a little lopsidedly, but hey.
The bird stopped and listened–and then sang the new version in response. We had a duet going. Where’s a banjo when you need one, and I wonder how it would respond to our old autoharp.
Then the next night there it was again in the same unseen spot in the tree right outside that window, only this time Richard whistled the tune back. And again got a happy response.
Then last night we just simply went to bed, party poopers on a Friday night, but he was telling me it was loud and singing happily away.
Waiting for its new musician friend to chime in, no doubt.
I went out in the yard at dusk tonight, checking on the plums–more showings of color here and there than yesterday, definitely coming along.
And the mockingbird came close by and sang to me. And I heard it and looked up into the apple branches in thanks.
On a side note: RobinM sent me the link to this guy’s gorgeous wildlife photos. Scroll down to April’s toads entry, and there was this little gem of information: “Ever wondered why a toad blinks when it eats… Toads can use their eyes to help them swallow. They push their eyes down into their mouth to push the food down their throat!”
Wikipedia agrees; they can toadily see it.
I wonder if that mockingbird could ribbit. Or would he say frog-getaboutit.
2 Comments so far
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so many cool things in this post. Love the mockingbird duets and that thing about the toads? Amazing!
PS have looked through the guy’s photos. Am chartreuse with envy. Wow, what an artist!
Comment by Lene 06.16.13 @ 8:15 amYou’ve outdone yourself this time! Toadily.
Comment by Beth in Maryland 06.17.13 @ 10:01 amLeave a comment
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