Filed under: Life
A new amaryllis open, another about to be, and a third coming up behind.
“Is the background music in here always this loud?” I asked Richard as we sat in the clinic’s pharmacy waiting area. I had only barely ever heard it before, just enough to know of its existence, but wow, it was enough to drown out a conversation. Who knew.
“I don’t know. I’ve never noticed it before.”
The idea of being able to have music you can totally hear but don’t have to consciously acknowledge–I can barely fathom it.
In the evening, I was trimming back the heavenly bamboo (which isn’t actually bamboo) to get a little more sunlight on the August Pride peach and snipped back some of the berries. I was feeling guilty for depriving the birds of a possible treat and out of curiosity googled the plant after I came back inside. We have a whole long row of them.
Nandina. All parts of it are toxic. Birds can eat some of the berries but too much will kill them, particularly cedar waxwings (which I love and rarely get to see). Considered an invasive species in many areas.
Y’know, I might go cut that back some more. The former owner of this house isn’t even alive anymore, she won’t mind in the least.
Meantime, the left side of a baby sweater is finished and the right side is coming along. To be continued.
5 Comments so far
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beautiful amaryllis bloom — I do love the red ones
isn’t it interesting how the plants that one home owner thinks are perfect are the next owner’s bane of existence? the former owner of our house had planted a rose bush in a place that it could never actually get enough light so it kept sending long straggly canes up into the pine tree — I’ve been digging up little pieces of it’s root system for almost 10 years!
Comment by bev 05.02.13 @ 8:25 amBeautiful amaryllis! BTW, I believe that was the name of the little girl playing the piano in the movie “Music Man”.
Cliff is collecting clam shells for you.
Comment by Donald Meyer 05.02.13 @ 9:31 amI haven’t felt the same about nandina since I found this out a few years ago. But we should all be trying to plant natives instead of exotics anyhow (nandina is an exotic, as are so many of our common landscaping plants) because our native insects, on which so many of our birds depend, will typically only eat our native plants.
Comment by Beth in Maryland 05.02.13 @ 9:48 amI just learned last night what Nandia is when someone was telling me what the new plants are in my backyard. Funny you should mention it now.
Comment by Deb in MD 05.02.13 @ 11:43 amMy wonderful cleaning lady came today. Do you know that she can work steadily hour after hour without feeling faint or feeling that she must lie down? Unfathomable. I’m jealous, and I think she knows it.
Love the amaryllis.
Comment by RobinM 05.02.13 @ 2:10 pmLeave a comment
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