Filed under: Family
You know that one person’s color combination is someone else’s total no-way-jose. And I am, after all, the daughter of a modern art dealer.
I was wishing I had a smallish zippered-top tote and went looking. Richard glanced at my computer to see why I was suppressing a guffaw–and then wrinkled his face trying to think of something positive and polite to say.
Finally, “Turn back before it’s too late!”
Did me in, I tell ya, I burst out laughing. The LLBean site: it lets you design your own tote bag (even if it won’t quite let me link to my concoction–yeah, I’d probably hide it too if I were trying to sell the things). Handles, body, pocket, bottom, gusset, you tell it what colors go where on the dream knitting (or boat, but c’mon, knitting) bag of your choice. They do stop you from putting ember orange in some areas, but it’s okay in the body with the jadeite pocket, the purple zipper, the spruce handles (worse than it sounds)… And those handles will be the color of the body on the inside edges and the chosen handle color on the outside just to make sure you get the full effect of that contrast.
Actually in a weird way I kinda like that one I clicked together. But then I am my father’s daughter.
Oh. Hi, Dad! *waving*
6 Comments so far
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I had fun playing with that while my morning tea was steeping! HA! Even the relatively conservative magenta, black and white had me giggle. Oh look, long straps….
Comment by LynnM 05.02.13 @ 11:56 pmMy best friend at work is the school nurse. We were goofy yesterday (is that not normal for us?) and were taking the color blindness test in her office. I was floored to find out that I past it (no, not that part!) but I can NOT see the differences in the yellow/orange section. (Hey, I did one better than her!) NOW I know why I have never been able to stand yellow. I’m not seeing it like those with wonderful color sense.
Comment by Afton 05.03.13 @ 7:14 amHahaha… that was fun! But why is ember so limited in where it can go?
Comment by Channon 05.03.13 @ 7:21 amok! that was a lot of fun
(and orange, purple, green is my current color palette for a piece of jewelry I’m making — what’s wrong with that?)
Comment by bev 05.03.13 @ 8:24 amI put together a design I shall call ‘garish’. I’ll email it to you. But I couldn’t find the yellow.
Comment by Donald Meyer 05.03.13 @ 9:30 amCouldn’t find any yellow, or orange either – maybe they are only for California :)- but it’s the most fun I’ve had online in ages! And as a result, there is a new tote wending its way to me, she added honestly.
Comment by Beth in Maryland 05.03.13 @ 10:44 amLeave a comment
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