Filed under: Life
Object in distance is larger than it appears.
Went back to the audiologist this morning. Got the base turned down some more and that did it at last: the new molds finally sounded as exquisitely perfect as the old, and with no dangers of feedback. YAY! Happy dance, happy dance. John told me he aspired to make that much of a difference to all his patients the way those aids have given so much back to me.
Chatted with other-John at Los Gatos Birdwatcher and picked up some seed as long as I was down there, got to share my enthusiasm at being able to hear some of the birds again. More happy times.
On the way home, a large blue rubber mat flipped up from under the wheels of the car in front of me on the freeway. I had this sudden just-a-blink to think, wait, I just had perfect, I have to have more time than that to enjoy the perfect in.
There was no way to dodge.
I slowed enough that it had time to head back downwards and under (I thought) rather than up against my windshield; phew. I glanced in the rearview expecting to see it. Didn’t. Wondered, noted the traffic might be blocking my view of it, kept glancing, kept thinking that distinctive pool-water blue should surely show up back there. Remembered my dad and the similarly-encountered box. (Haven’t I blogged that? It caught on fire under the gas tank. I was ten. Dad pulled over, raced back there and pulled it out and stomped it out and only then said, marveling in response to our relief, I didn’t know it was there.) Prayed.
There was no real place to pull over. The sound wall was right up against the breakdown lane and I’m going to open my door right into the traffic? No.
The guy behind me had pulled a good ways back, and he stayed there and nobody zipped in in front of him. I noted the sign: next exit a mile and a half. Eventually he pulled into the middle lane, sped up next to me, and looked pointedly down.
Right. I was going to pull off there anyway.
At the bottom of the ramp there was a light just ahead so the oncoming traffic would be slowing if not stopping, and behold, a pullout bulbout for utility trucks. Perfect and ohthankyou.
I got out. It fell to the ground. It was someone’s water toy, far as I could tell, a foam rubber chaise lounge–broken now. Well, gee, so sorry about that as I snapped its picture, pulled it into the dirt and got back in my car, safe now, and snapped another picture–if anything’s wrong with my car I want to be able to prove I did indeed meet up with Pool-onius Thunk.
Everything seems to be peachy fine. Just one of those weird things.
6 Comments so far
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I’m glad you’re safe and sound. People need to secure their objects!!
Comment by Channon 05.04.13 @ 4:46 amback in the days that I drove from Los Gatos to Mountain View for work every day, I used to hear the “stuff in the road” report — and thought from time to time that you could almost furnish a small house with the assortment
glad your encounter with some of that stuff didn’t cause any damages!!
Comment by bev 05.04.13 @ 6:24 amHappy that all is well.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 05.04.13 @ 7:53 amGlad the Pool-tergeist didn’t cause a serious accident, but uh, you would have heard it perfectly.
Comment by LynnM 05.04.13 @ 8:31 amAnd the guy behind you did the right thing. Glad it turned out all right.
Comment by Donald Meyer 05.04.13 @ 9:59 amDelighted to read about the happy times. Sorry about the weird one.
Comment by robinm 05.04.13 @ 2:46 pmLeave a comment
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