My late sister-in-law and I had our baby girls ten days apart 31 years ago and the girls have always been good friends.
Jessie and her husband came by for dinner tonight and while they were here, Sam called from across the country.
We chatted a moment and then I asked her if she wanted to talk to Jessie?
There was this sudden doubletake at the other end–Sam had forgotten her cousin had moved to California. And then an enthusiastic, YEAH! that made my day. People I love loving each other. It’s wonderful.
Parker bounced happily in all his little-boy-energy glory at getting to Skype with us; Hudson looked at the people-movement-and-speech on the screen with great big wide eyes. *Such* a beautiful baby. Our grandsons have *such* good parents. I love that I got to show them the flowers they’d sent.
I talked to my mom, John called, Michelle made the dinner, and a fine day was had by all. I know how lucky I am.
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Gee whiz! I forgot to wish you a Happy Mothers Day! Sounds like you had a glorious time, Mom, Gramma.
Comment by Donald Meyer 05.13.13 @ 9:08 amLeave a comment
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