Tuesday May 28th 2013, 11:04 pm
Filed under: Friends
Filed under: Friends
Went to our friend Nina’s daughter Gwynnie’s showing of the movie tonight that she produced, Return To Nowhere, at the Cinema 12 in downtown San Jose tonight. Lots of old friends in attendance, and when the lights came on, the cast turned out to be attending the premiere too. (Now that I knew their faces.)
Amazing experience. California’s high speed rail project as a plot device. Phyllis’s office as a prop! Sarah as secretary–I’ve known her since she was a toddler, cool.
We carpooled with Phyllis. And a good time was had by all.
2 Comments so far
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this is beyond cool — I hope this leads to great success for this young woman!
Comment by bev 05.29.13 @ 7:19 amLeave a comment
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