Filed under: Family
An angel food cake was baked.
Parker played and laughed and had a great time Skyping tonight, but singing Happy Birthday was just too over that gotta-be-shy-now edge. He was adorable. And any time we see each other across the monitors now there has to be some flashlight playing: it’s become part of the deal. You…light up myyy liiiiiife…
Hudson, meantime, yawned back at us from his daddy’s arms as if to show his brother how this singing thing is done, and waved his arms and legs and occasionally looked wide-eyed straight into the camera–one time with a smile. His due date was actually yesterday. He already looks so much older than last Monday.
And their parents looked so happy too.
6 Comments so far
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sweet! and angel food cake was THE cake of choice for birthdays when I was a child too
Comment by bev 04.21.13 @ 8:43 amIsn’t Skype an amazing gift of technology?! Happy birthday, Parker!
Comment by Pegi 04.21.13 @ 10:28 amAngel food cake –what an appropriate choice!
Oh, man! Wait ’til these two grow up a little, and start running through the house!
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