Trying out this idea of guarding my tree fruit via the plastic clamshells that produce comes in. First thought: I’ve only got two apples and four plums covered and we only have two months before the latter are fully ripe–we’re going to have to eat a lot more strawberries etc if we’re going to get these all covered in time. Or bum clamshells off everybody we can. We have our first good crop of the Santa Rosas, which is a nice problem to have.
Side note: I asked Dave Wilson growers via their Facebook page last fall if my Santa Rosa plum could work as a pollinator for their new Pluerry plum/cherry/etc hybrid. They answered that they hoped so but they didn’t know yet; it was just too new a plant. Today they surprised me by going back to that question, now that they’ve had another spring with it, and affirming that yes, it does, along with Flavor King and Burgundy plums.
Their Pluerry has won all the taste tests across all fruit types. Guess what I want to plant.
The clamshells, meantime, only snap closed at one end with a branch in the way, but it looks to me like the only thing that could defeat one is a raccoon sitting or swatting hard enough to break it or the branch.
I only kept one fruit among the three baby peaches. If the twig can’t hold up the weight of the plastic, it’s a pretty good sign it’s not strong enough yet to support the fruit either. One, though, held. It got the first clamshell.
Don’t call it white trash. Call it reuseful recycling.
4 Comments so far
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If only I’d seen this oh… Friday. We could have gathered shells for you.
Comment by Channon 04.30.13 @ 5:49 amWhite trash? I call it ingenuity!
Wonder if a food packaging wholesaler would have more. Just hope it doesn’t over ripen or prematurely ripen the fruit.
Comment by Anne 04.30.13 @ 8:46 amDear Fruit Farm: Do you sell any of your produce? Maybe I can pay you with clamshells.
Comment by Donald Meyer 04.30.13 @ 9:08 amLeave a comment
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