So there was this California towhee. A brown bird about robin size. And it occasionally hops onto the outside of the sliding glass door and peers in the window: the carpet is bluer on the other side, or maybe it’s wishing it could take the house tour again. (That was so cool.)
And then it pecked at a few seeds that had fallen down in the runner.
I found myself staring in disbelief. I know you guys are going to get tired of hearing about all these firsts, but, my stars, all the times I’ve seen it do that and this time it had a sound! A loud sound! Tap. Tap. A hesitation, a hop, and then three more times tap, and it was about what I would have expected it to sound like if I’d had any such expectation. But it was a complete surprise. This after twenty-seven years of wearing hearing aids.
There are memories of sounds still in there. Sometimes over the years I’ve wondered if I heard something just then or if my brain just filled in what I would have heard had I still been able to. Beak on metal, though, that one now I know I know.
9 Comments so far
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Wow! Nope, I’ll never get tired of hearing about your firsts. I believe it is so amazing and I’m thrilled for you. I remember when I first put on glasses at age 6 and was stunned that I could see each leaf on the tree. My life experience had been to only see them as a green cloudy blur unless I climbed up into it.
Comment by DebbieR 04.13.13 @ 6:52 amIt’s nice to be able to share your joy. It reminds us to cherish the small things in life and not take them for granted.
Comment by Anne 04.13.13 @ 9:03 amcan not wait to read about what you hear next! this is SO COOL!!!
(yesterday afternoon I saw 3 red tail hawks circling our neighborhood — it made me think of you!)
Comment by bev 04.13.13 @ 9:46 amAll of the above! Well, maybe not the Morse code.
And I’m thrilled that you have the wonder f all those sounds that we take for granted, if we pay any attention to them at all.
I agree — it’s wonderful to read about what you’ve just heard anew.
Kinda like my insisting to the optometrist that I don’t knit with my arms out there where they think I should be reading and holding some knitting (dark yarn, little needles) where I need to see it so she could adjust the Rx. And now I can really see my knitting. And thread sewing needles. It’s really a miracle to me. And that’s why I love it when you hear something and share that news.
Comment by Susan (sjanova) 04.13.13 @ 6:22 pmAlison, I rejoice every time you write about a new sound. Please don’t stop sharing the marvels!
Comment by Mary Hunt 04.14.13 @ 7:49 amI am so pleased for you. I told my friend about your experiences with new aids. Still can’t wait to give you a hug, but sadly, no plans to make a trip your way. God Bless You, Dear.
Comment by Chery 04.20.13 @ 4:41 amLeave a comment
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