Two blog posts. Do I post this one? (I’m not sure.)
I told the nurse that the cardiologist she works for is so soothing. But if you want me to come in about something, I told her, you have to worry me about it or I’ll blow it off: I’ve had lupus a long time. You get pretty blase’.
She chuckled and handed the phone straight to the doctor and let him deal with me directly. He did not worry me this time either, rather, he said that that kind of description you’d have to have narrowed arteries for it to be a heart attack.
Do I?
Well then, it was a lupus hit-and-run and it’s over now, right?
He thought so. Added the usual, But come right in or call 911 if anything else…
Dude. If I’d been able to call 911 at 4 a.m.-ish Sunday rather than just living through it, I would have. Well maybe. As it was, I had decided I really did need to somehow wake Richard up to call after all–and immediately it let up. Poof. Over. Lack of pain never felt so good. So I figured, stupid lupus inflammation, and went back to sleep.
“How are you feeling now?”
Fine! (Explaining the excitement in my voice) And IÂ just got a new grandson!
He chuckled. He’s so looking forward to that stage.
Or do I just post this one?
When I wrote about the Dancing Queen amaryllis the other day, I promptly got the ABBA song of that title stuck in my brain. It is safe to say I have never cared for that song.
I woke up in the morning and the darn thing was still playing in my head. There was only one escape: replace. I put Carlos Santana on first, a little bit louder than I intended to. You’ve got to change your evil ways! Baby!
Which is how I finally got myself to sit down with the latest yarn and start the knitting that I so much needed to do. Music is Pavlovian: I can’t have it playing and read, rather, it demands that I sit and absorb every sound I can, and I can’t just sit there (at least in my own house) without making something in my hands to the rhythm of the notes.
I ripped out the beginning four times but got past that and kept going, making this project up as I go along, something new, writing it down. Crossing that out. Tinking back. Getting it right.
I had been missing that compelling sense of purpose to the work that comes with a good project. It’s such a relief and a comfort to dive back in. I heart knitting.
9 Comments so far
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I’m glad you posted both of them! Doubly glad that you are okay, and knitting right along!
Comment by bev 04.24.13 @ 6:49 amI agree with Bev! And,like Afton, I’d love to know what you’re making!
Comment by Gelene (DebbieR's mom) 04.24.13 @ 7:21 amAlways both! And I am glad you are feeling better…take care of yourself. 🙂
Comment by Pam 04.24.13 @ 8:02 amIt’s bad enough when a song that I LIKE gets stuck in my head, but when it’s something I DON’T like…
Glad you’re feeling better.
Comment by Donald Meyer 04.24.13 @ 9:05 amYay! A double post from you feels like an extra good day. And SO glad that the heart-attack-feeling was, in fact, not. Get back to knitting, I’m sure that will help. Whew!
Comment by DebbieR 04.24.13 @ 11:38 amYes to both, and I, too, am grateful that you’re okay. It IS hard to make the decision to call or not to call …
Also, is Afton, who commented earlier, THE Afton? From the knitlist Afton? I haven’t thought of her in years!
Comment by Debbi 04.25.13 @ 4:05 amSo much to celebrate! New lives, renewed life, renewed knitting… Hooray!
Comment by Channon 04.25.13 @ 10:29 amI’m going to go put on some music now – to think continued healing thoughts for any recovery left after that lupus-flash.
Comment by twinsetellen 04.26.13 @ 7:48 amLeave a comment
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