In the frog of where
Saturday April 27th 2013, 10:32 pm
Filed under: Family,LYS

So we had several paper bags’ worth of old documents that needed to be shredded, a task we’d been avoiding for awhile. Time to get to it.

I googled… (Not open on Saturday, not open on Saturday, well so who *is* open on Saturday.)

Okay, backtrack. A number of years ago a local woman wanted to set up a yarn shop, and as she later told me, she and her husband went to check out a spot that sounded like it had potential. It was in San Jose.

They walked in the doors, looked at the cavernous size in that old building and told the rep in disbelief, We can’t afford THIS!

No, no, let me tell you what the rent is going to be. Turns out the owner had an eye towards gentrification and a yarn store was exactly the kind of image he thought would up the value of the neighboring spots in his building.

She made the place gorgeous, with a welcoming front that would pull anyone inside. One of my knitting groups met there for awhile.  I once quietly pointed out to another knitter the bullet holes through some of the squares of glass near the high ceiling and wondered how long those had been there.

I guess the place did its job too well; the owner decided to bring the rent closer to the newly-perceived market value about the same time the downturn hit. And that was the end of that shop. It has been missed.

So here I was today, four years later, looking up shredding services, and was stunned to see the picture as well as the address of one place pop up on my screen.

I looked again.  Yup, that’s it, that’s the spot. And thought, what a comedown! I mentioned it to Richard.

“Well, it is kind of the same.”

Wait, what?

He put his hands together over his imaginary goofed-up knitting and then pulled them forcefully apart: “You know. Rip it, rip it.”

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So Richard can keep up with you in the puntification, eh?

Comment by twinsetellen 04.28.13 @ 6:31 am

LOL – definitely a Keeper!

BTW – We use Red Dog Shred. Very reasonable prices ($7/banker’s box, $11/u-haul book box). They have several locations in bay area.

Comment by Anne 04.28.13 @ 2:19 pm

Silly man 🙂

I have 20 years of professional records that I must shred before I retire. I have currently over heated two office shredders and I’m halfway through the B’s.

And the records shouldn’t leave the building so I can’t take them to a service.


I wonder if you can knit shredded paper?

Comment by Afton 04.29.13 @ 5:00 am

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