When the sun got quite low I went outside to trim back some remaining weed-tree branches to give the Fuji apple more sun; the doctor had told me I needed to work on upper-body strength (he wasn’t impressed when I mentioned the pound of baby afghan on my needles) and that was as useful a way to work on that as I could think of.
When I got out there, it was clear that the overall lack of rainfall this year was beginning to show in the plants.
A peach had dropped several leaves. A few of the little beginning plums were small and had turned yellow, unlike the growing green other ones;Â the yellowing clivia leaves clinched it.
I glanced up just in time to see the hawk soaring overhead on his way by, as if he had launched from the top of the redwood across the property and had had enough of my intrusion into his hunting time. And I’d probably just messed with one of his hiding places–my apologies (but it needed to be done). I appreciated that he’d flown right above me where I would get to see him rather than where my view would have been blocked by the roof.
Back to work.
April is awfully early to have to water here, but oh well. With the new trees, it was a bigger space to cover than I used to have to do and they need a watchful eye as they get established. I got started.
I went back outside about every ten minutes to move the hose around.
It was about 8:20 and I was going to let it run for just a few more minutes over thataway when I suddenly leaped out of my chair muttering Ohmygoodness and turned on the porch light and then started across the room the other way.
What’s wrong? asked Richard as I said Ohmygoodness again at myself and went to turn on the bedroom lights, too.
Remember that possum that bared its teeth at me from ten feet away last year? It apparently has company. We’ve had a few times in the last two weeks from an apparent distance, but…
Last night at about 11:00 the smell of skunk was sudden and intense. Now, skunk spray is great for opening up the airways for hours for asthmatics, but there are limits.
I actually–kids don’t try this at home–opened the sliding glass door, wondering if they’d been fighting in the shed. I shut it fast: wherever the thing was, that spray was right there!
So here it was dark and I was about to go from the bright inside out to the pitch black with a nearly-gone moon to walk near that shed so I could move the hose. Thirsty, possibly pregnant or nursing nocturnal animals also would like hoses in the dark (they have bitten through them before) and would want a Do Not Disturb sign hung on them.
I made as much light as I could and maybe even a little noise and I looked all around as I went out there and shut that thing off. Sorry, plum tree, we are done for the day here, folks.
Besides, I didn’t have any marshmallows for them anyway.
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Do you know any trappers?
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 04.14.13 @ 8:01 amLeave a comment
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