Can you believe Hudson is three weeks old as of yesterday? With the best mom in the world.
I told the audiologist today that I had taken to turning the hearing aid volume down two notches to avoid the feedback and it seemed to work while not impacting the sound too much–and I can always kick it back up as needed.
He, meantime, took the aids apart and put the new molds on.
No feedback. But the sound was noticeably different. And not in a good way.
“Does it sound hollow?” he asked me.
“The base is too loud. Happens sometimes as an effect of going further into the ear, but I can work on that via the settings.”
That helped some, and I’m giving these a try, but so far I want to go back to the others. It’s definitely nice to have options, though. While we were at it we bought a clip-on bluetooth mike that I can pass around a room or hand to a speaker. Lanyard now added. I’ve wanted something like that forever and now I have one!
And: this afternoon I was looking through a skylight and happened to see Coopernicus! Perched near the top of the neighbor’s tall tree, and I got to watch as he suddenly dove down.
I walked to the other side of the house but he was faster than me, which certainly wasn’t a surprise; there was not a critter in sight near the feeder. Not even a squirrel.
Friends dropped by tonight and we experimented with/without the remote mike–either way, I heard them far better than I ever have before. Cool. Next round, hearing grandsons!
4 Comments so far
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Parker’s hair has gotten so dark since the last time I saw him or is it just the lighting? In any case, those are two cute little boys you got there! XOX
Comment by Jody 05.01.13 @ 6:16 amhere’s to hearing the boys!
great picture of Parker with his little brother
Comment by bev 05.01.13 @ 6:59 amWell, let’s see. If Hudson was born 3 weeks ago yesterday, that would make him … don’t tell me …um … 21 days old?
A blue tooth mike? This I gotta see, or hear, or dot, dot, dot!
Comment by Donald Meyer 05.01.13 @ 10:39 amWhat sweet photos! I’m glad you have options and a patient audiologist.
Comment by Channon 05.03.13 @ 7:59 amLeave a comment
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