If you need to ask, you need to do it.
I’d done the hot water scouring to get the mill oils out of the silk baby afghan and the rinse water still had blue. Should be fine, thought I a few days ago, and laid it out to dry.
It bugged me. I finally said something to somebody, more to out myself than anything.
If you need to ask, you need to do it.
And so yesterday it was hot water rinse after hot water rinse and when I say hot water, I mean my husband left the setting on the new water heater higher than we’ve ever had it: I was putting that afghan in and then pushing it down into the water with something else so I wouldn’t burn my hands.
Finally, on the fifth time soaking (making seven in all), it came out clear enough to wonder if any blue effect left was just reflections across the water from the afghan itself. It felt okay, finally, so, done.
The afghan and its matching hat are a lighter blue than they were. And that’s fine.
Meantime, I called my mom today and it was not that much different really from the usual in terms of hearing her. Huh. A letdown.
Richard came home: “Oh good, you’re wearing the blue tooth.” (Second glance.) “But why don’t you have it turned on?”
Oh. Riiiiiight. Forgot that you don’t just take it off the charger in the morning like a cellphone, you have to turn it ON. Duhhhh.
And then I went off to knit night, where I heard one woman’s voice–and from across the noisy room–for the first time. Ever. Hadn’t realized I actually didn’t know what she sounded like.
Another woman, after I explained I had new hearing aids, went, “So that’s why you don’t sound deaf anymore.”
“I sounded deaf? I try really hard not to.”
And then she added, “I’m going to have to be careful what I say now,” and laughed a good one.
9 Comments so far
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Hugs to you Alison!
Comment by Kelli King 04.12.13 @ 12:02 amWell, I asked, so I did it. Ironed the Happy Place Baby Blanket so it would not pooch up in the center anymore. Yeah, I know, you are not supposed to iron acrylic and I did!
Be sure to keep your batteries handy. 😎
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 04.12.13 @ 6:37 amYou sounded deaf? Well, I suppose. I think I’ve got a couple of ‘deaf’ jokes somewhere in my brain storage system, but can’t bring ’em up. Something about “Thursday” “thirsty”.
Comment by Don Meyer 04.12.13 @ 9:01 amthe afghan is beautiful!
oh yeah, I know about that whole “if you have to ask you need to” thing — which is why I’m re-knitting the sleeves for the DH’s sweater
Comment by bev 04.12.13 @ 9:16 amI’m sitting here all by myself and I actually exclaimed out loud “Awww!” when I viewed the close up of the new afghan! It’s beautiful!
Comment by Jody 04.12.13 @ 9:50 amAll else fails -there is always dilute vinegar. Sets most wool/silk dyes and happily takes away the excess. My usual choice over hot water since I am normally more worried about the heat and the silk.
In any case – great about the “new ears!”
Comment by Holly 04.12.13 @ 11:07 amThat’s beautiful lace and a perfect little head warmer to go with it (for a little while — he’ll grow out of that pretty fast, of course).
Comment by Susan (sjanova) 04.12.13 @ 2:54 pmBeautiful blue. I’m glad you’re having fun adjusting and hearing!
Comment by Channon 04.13.13 @ 4:59 amYou did the right thing, for sure, with the extra hot soaks.
And what fun to think of all the sounds you are going to get to experience in the coming weeks!
Comment by twinsetellen 04.14.13 @ 5:11 amLeave a comment
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