Filed under: Life
Annnnd… (after the transmission and the water heater last week.)
We need a new double oven.
Lesson learned for the day: always go in in person and see how they feel as well as look. Richard pulled on the handle of one to see the inside and there was a seam in the metal on the back side of the thing, flimsy and rough. On a $2000 oven!
What I’d really like is to tell the manufacturers to ditch the electronics and go back to dials. Plain and simple and far more durable than just-past-warranty. There were some with dials, for hundreds of dollars more, but they were all faking it–the ubiquitous motherboards hide inside. $850 a motherboard part per oven plus labor was the repair quote we got on ours. And now you know why they all make them that way: how else could you get a couple to want a third double oven in 20 years? Electronics in major appliances are the Wall Street derivatives of the industry.
The good part is, one of the stores we went to was Lowe’s and on the way out the door was a candy aisle for grownups: spring seed packets. A dollar twenty-eight, a marvelous antidote to sticker shock, and a thousand potential Burpee’s Big Boy tomatoes all packed in those tiny brown dots in there. I haven’t tried tomatoes from seed since we lived in New Hampshire and the poison ivy lurking in the woods somehow climbed and claimed them.
And on a happier note–I loved reading this story. A group of blood donors, asked to regularly contribute to keep a baby alive, who continued to do so month after month; “the John Muir baby,” that was all they knew.
For five years.
And then he lucked out on a bone marrow match, was cured of his vanishingly rare blood disease, and his mother wanted to thank all those unknown good people.
Four of them came. And so they got to meet the little kindergartner whose life they had saved, again and again and again, month by month by dogged, determined, meaningful but anonymous month. To meet that burst of real, happy energy that was all boy and a part of them always.
To life!
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To life indeed…
There’s a down side to supply & demand. They need that demand to keep their company in business. Hey, I wonder if that’s Congress’s logic too?
Comment by Channon 03.03.13 @ 5:57 amoh no! I would say that bad things seem to happen in threes — now maybe you’re done with all such troubles for a while!
and yes, le-chaim!!
Comment by bev 03.03.13 @ 9:20 amBev beat me to it — I was going to mention the Rule of Three’s.
But three cheers for the youngster who was able to beat his disease, thanks to the thoughtfulness and generosity of others.
Comment by Don Meyer 03.03.13 @ 12:24 pmI feel this way about cars, too. When they were totally mechanical, I actually felt like I could do minor repairs on mine.
When I was in grad school, I rummaged through the graveyard of old equipment and found a manual spectroscope that I could keep right in my lab. No one else wanted to use such an ancient thing – but it worked fine, even if you had to read an analog dial rather than a digital readout. So I never had to wait to get my measurements and I never had to worry about electronics failing me.
Comment by twinsetellen 03.03.13 @ 9:09 pmOh yes. I so totally agree with you on simple knobs for appliances. Our 27 year-old dishwasher lasted its last several years even with the knob broke off. Just had to use a butter knife to turn it on. The new one’s all push! button. My years of office machine repair makes my skeptical. On a smiling note, I finally bought a big box of raspberries to try your Hot Lemon Juice Sponge Cake. Yum! Yum! Yum! I probably shouldn’t have had two pieces right before bed, but it’s mostly fruit, right?
Comment by DebbieR 03.03.13 @ 11:08 pmLeave a comment
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