I saw a peregrine falcon today! It was near Stevens Creek (near you, Don) dancing in the air currents and then flying low over my car so I could get a close look. In a blink, I saw details on feathers, that its crop was full; it had just enjoyed a good meal and it was shooting the breeze with me. (I drove safely.)
Meantime: the plum tree on Sunday evening and the plum tree twenty-four hours later.
It’s supposed to rain the next two days. I’m picturing a giant umbrella keeping the pollen from washing away before its time? How much time does the tree need it for? Yo, bees, quick, wake up?
But it intrigues me that all the blossoms, no matter where they are or whether their branch might seem to block them, are oriented in the direction of the path of the sun.
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there’s a peregrine nest in downtown Toronto not too far from where I live and every now and again, I can look outside and see it/them hunting pigeons. You know the peregrines are there when the pigeons all of a sudden disappear. And then you can do nothing but stare in awe at this beautiful, beautiful creature. Thanks for reminding me of that.
Comment by Lene 03.05.13 @ 9:00 amIt’s a pity that I didn’t get to see ‘your’ peregrine falcon, but I did see a video the other day about speed, and that the peregrine falcon can dive at 70 miles per hour! Whoosh!
Comment by Don Meyer 03.05.13 @ 10:41 amit always did amaze me how all of the blooms on a plum tree (or an apricot tree) would suddenly be in full glory when they were not even really visible the day before
when I first lived in the San Jose area, I used to drive by an apricot orchard at Camden and Kooser and I got to see that phenomena every spring — then they cut it down to build apartments (booooo!)
popcorn poppin’ !
Comment by bev 03.05.13 @ 10:47 amHeh. Love the idea of you and an umbrella protecting the pollen…
Comment by Channon 03.05.13 @ 11:39 amLeave a comment
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