Who knew that blueberry flowers look like bluelessberries?
Ellen is the friend who asked to borrow the autoharp, and late this afternoon, her husband called and asked if he could swing by to pick it up?
Allen showed up with the baby in his arms and daughter and son in tow of about three and five. It had been eight years since they’d moved out of our ward so that we no longer got to see them at church every week. I hadn’t met the little ones.
The five-year-old wanted to show me why that autoharp was going to be appreciated for the week it would be at their house. He sang me three verses of a song; I smiled my biggest grandma smile. How often do I get to be serenaded by small happy people? The baby thought this was great and grinned back.
Then the middle child needed to give it her all, too, and she sang me a wobbly I Am A Child of God. Sweetie, you most definitely are. So cute.
The big brother had another go at it, and all the while I was standing in my doorway ready to walk the autoharp to the car because the dad’s arms were full, while the sun–late sun, but sun–was beaming in.
They had no way to know. I kept expecting it to be over while not wanting it to be over and the dad needed to be on his way, so coming in awhile wasn’t happening. Had it been noon, I would have said something, but at that hour, I hoped the risk was small–after all, I would be out in another half hour or hour snapping quick photos of my blueberries and plum tree, right?
The little girl held my hand as we went to their car. She asked as she climbed up into her carseat if I would come with them? But no.
We had made friends. I am utterly charmed.
5 Comments so far
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It’s just not obvious to most of us that someone so sunny could also be sun sensitive.
Comment by LauraN 03.13.13 @ 9:27 amPLEASE! Take care! In the meantime, you are charmed and charming.
Comment by Don Meyer 03.13.13 @ 9:30 amOh how I hope you aren’t suffering for the little children’s goodness today…
Comment by Channon 03.14.13 @ 7:02 amLeave a comment
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