Rose again
Sunday March 31st 2013, 10:58 pm
Filed under: Life,My Garden

The timing! The choreography of God.

When we moved into this house, there was a miniature rose bush in the furthest part of the backyard blooming profusely, exuberantly, but where nobody could see it from inside the house. It just quietly did its thing and you had to go look to see it.

About ten years ago, maybe more, a weed tree sprang up near it. But I like trees, I miss the deep green of our native Maryland and this asked no expensive watering of us, and so too late we realized we didn’t like how much it had multiplied via suckers and become a line of trees along the fenceline that dwarfed and darkened the air above the little rose.

Which stopped blooming at all or even, as far as I could tell, growing. It just kind of held its breath.

The neighbors recently took out most of those weed trees with our permission, as I’ve mentioned.

I went outside on this lovely Easter evening we were having to check on my fruit trees, and a flash of pink over to the right caught my eye. And a second. They hadn’t been there before.

It had gotten a second chance. It is reaching to the light and so becoming again all that a small rose bush lives to be.

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No coincidences. Beautiful and perfect.

Comment by Channon 04.01.13 @ 7:37 am

You give me the proper light, and I bloom!

Comment by Don Meyer 04.01.13 @ 8:58 am

Very cool. I just came home with a small azalea I had no plans to buy, because with a new place, all kinds of given-up impulses are cropping up. There is a front corner, previously landscaped but neglected, where it can go and be pretty, and I have a willing friend to dig the hole and drop it in.

Comment by Marian 04.01.13 @ 11:34 am

I can almost smell it.

And it is nice to think of it, blooming now, even as my yard is full of melting snow. Thank you!

Comment by twinsetellen 04.01.13 @ 8:50 pm

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