No replacement cars yet.
Drove Richard to work for an early meeting. Drove home. Drove Michelle to work (a goodly commute). Drove home, a lot of stop-and-go. Answered email, a quick lunch, just enough time to get a load into the dryer. Drove to get Richard, then while he worked from his Ipad along the way, drove to the audiologist to discuss the newest-technology hearing aids that came out in the last few weeks, drove to Los Gatos Birdwatcher because it was right nearby and I was low on birdseed, drove home for long enough to grab a quick bite, drove to San Jose to pick up Michelle in go-but-mostly-stop traffic, put some gas in the car, drove home long enough to swig a glass of milk and dash back out, drove to Purlescence for the last hour of knit night–
–all of this in the rain–
–and man, did it feel good to stop. Sit. Knit and talk with old friends and get a hug from Juanita and a laugh with Rachel and actually get something done, yarnwise, the hat a portable project that made no demands on my attention, just slowly turned beautiful almost of its own (while unfolding to me what the next two iterations of it are going to be. Cool. I can’t wait.)
Yesterday, re the baby blanket, I weighed and calculated yardage used so far and realized I was hosed. I emailed Colourmart:Â they didn’t have another cone of that blue silk…? Thinking, of course not, I bought all they had and took the risk of it not being enough, and it wasn’t enough.
With the time zone difference to England, I didn’t hear back all day but wasn’t really expecting to; I checked my email one last time before bed. Nothing.
Woke up this morning to two messages: Yes we do. It’s on its way. Oh, and, (an hour later) here’s the invoice.
*deep sigh of grateful relief*
And tomorrow I will knit.
6 Comments so far
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I did the “running out of yarn” thing this week too. Knit faster so it will reach the end! LOL! Luckily I found a golf ball size end of the same yarn in the scrap bin to carry me through to the end and then some.
Comment by Jody 03.08.13 @ 5:59 amI do love being able to stop. There are many days when I’m grateful I don’t have to be out in traffic, including today.
Comment by RobinM 03.08.13 @ 8:08 amRunning around and running out of yarn. Whoda’ thunkit?! A running post here!
Comment by Channon 03.08.13 @ 9:28 amGood grief! You did more driving yesterday than we do in a month! And yes, it sure feels good to stop!
Comment by Don Meyer 03.08.13 @ 10:09 amI hope you’re wearing you’re taxi yellow hat for all this driving!
great news that you have more yarn on the way — that piece is going to be awesome!
Comment by bev 03.08.13 @ 11:01 amLeave a comment
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