Filed under: Knit
Finally cast off and blocked that project tonight. I think I’d been putting it off because after all that intense knitting, it was hard to give it up–not the project but the sense of anticipation and discovery in it.
It went into the water with, well, this is nice enough, I guess, to, after it came out, WOW, this is one of the prettiest things I’ve ever knit!
The only difference was the soaking and then the setting it out to dry in its now-finished form.
9 Comments so far
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Isn’t it true that often we can only see what we have gained after we are truly finished; for this project it’s water and drying–‘blocking’ for other endeavors may take a different form, but the principle applies. We understand best after we can stand back a little with time and perspective, and see that our efforts meant more than we could see at the time.
Comment by Marian 02.13.13 @ 12:07 amCan’t wait to see the ‘WOW!’ Make sure it’s an embiggener!
Comment by LynnM 02.13.13 @ 2:58 amIt sort of reminds me of child rearing. While you’re doing it there are those days that you wonder if you’re doing it correctly and how will this one turn out? And then in an instant they’re all grown up with families and lives of their own and you can sit back and marvel at how beautifully they turned out!
Comment by Jody 02.13.13 @ 6:34 amBlocking lace = knitting magic
Comment by India 02.13.13 @ 8:13 amIt’s like magic, isn’t it? And I’m not even a skilled blocker…
Comment by Channon 02.13.13 @ 9:19 amwaiting for the wow! (although I’m perfectly willing to accept your evaluation!!)
Comment by bev 02.13.13 @ 10:04 amIt’s wonderful how satisfying knitting can be in so many ways. First in the doing, then in the sheer enjoyment of seeing what one has created, and then in knowing it’s being put to good use. Congrats on the shawl.
Comment by RobinM 02.13.13 @ 12:00 pmI love what Jody had to say, as I feel that so strongly. And if this is one of your most lovely, then I can’t wait to see it!
Comment by twinsetellen 02.18.13 @ 5:59 pmLeave a comment
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